
to investigate and

your product or
We are committed to providing our clients with unrivaled service, enhanced productivity, swift, and cost-effective solutions

Help desk Support
Top rated first contact resolution and user satisfaction

Tier 0 – 3 support models

Network Administration
Documentation of problems reported and implemented solutions

Web Development
Prepare computers for new and existing employees

Remote Location Services
Install and maintain desktop and laptop workstations, printers and peripherals

IT-System Solutions
Preserve the integrity of profiles and system configurations
Tekinfosys employees have a positive “can do” attitude and work extremely well with their clients and colleagues.
(Tekinfosys employee) is among the most reliable Network Admins I've worked with. He is extremely knowledgeable, helpful and customer focused.
It is my immense pleasure to recommend (Tekinfosys employee) for any potential opportunity that fits his profile. As a manager, his intelligence, technical virtues, diligence, social skills, and vision impressed me very much.
Tekinfosys demonstrated compliance of DOJ policies, accreditation, directives, and IT security standards, as well as compliance with NIST standards, and other policies and regulations required by the contract.
(Tekinfosys employee) has brought a level of professionalism and can do attitude to his team and his customer. He is always willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Our Clients